My best friend is an unlike any other, she is my cat, Kiara. As odd as this may be to admit she has been my warmth and comfort these past few months and I feel the need to thank her. She has always been there for me when I have been beyond comfort and angry at the world. She makes it so hard to be angry when she brushes up against my leg or crawls up on me and brushes her cheek against mine. She lets me cry and allows the tears to fall off my face onto her. She watches the wet path of tears and I know she feels my pain.
As a matter of fact she is with me right now on my lap watching me type. I am never alone.
When my arms are longing to feel the warm weight of my child she crawls into them and falls asleep against me. For a brief moment I allow myself to imagine the warmth and the weight being my baby, I try hard to see his face and imagine how he would smell.
For hours we will sit together and day dream, greave and mourn. She does not ask for anything just nudges her body into mine or will reach her paw across me.
“The cat has too much spirit to have no heart”
-Ernest Menaul
"When I'm in the doghouse, my cats still come to visit. --Unknown"
She thought all the baby stuff was hers!
Cats are the best companions, they always know when we need some attention, and they have no problem lying next to you for hours if that is what you need!