March 21, 2010

The Decision

We got the news that we will be delivering via c-section. Lil Miss Sprout is as stubborn as can be and will not turn, she is frank breech. On April 2nd, 2010 at 8am I have an operating room booked with my name on it. I have spent much of this week coming to terms with having surgery and accepting that again I will not have the birth experienced I had hoped for.

The decision to book a c-section was not a welcome one in our home. We have known she is breech for a few weeks and have tried a variety of techniques to get her to turn; hips higher than my head, flash light at the bottom of my belly, Dh/daddy reading to her from below, acupuncture/moxibustion and the power of thought. The only other option was ECV, which is turning her from outside which comes with many risks and discomforts to both Sprout and myself.

Day by day I have come to gradually accept this is our fate and the safest way to welcome our daughter into the world. Thank you to everyone who has helped me come to terms with this decision.

With a date set the reality that we are going to have a baby (hopefully) is becoming more real. With this reality comes a list a mile long of household chores, which explains why I have not been posting very much lately. So if I am not around you can guess that I am finishing off projects that were left incomplete from a year where we had very little motivation and energy to face much of anything.


  1. Oh wow... so glad that the doctors can determine these things though. You're right, sounds like the best and safest way to meet your so anticipated daughter... thinking of you!

  2. I am so sorry you are not going to get the labor you wanted and deserve!! I hope you are able to get all your to do list done!!
