March 14, 2010


I am done! I am fed up with having to be pregnant. For 35 weeks I have carried her in my belly and managed my grief and the roller coaster of pregnancy emotions. My body is tired and I am physically in pain from my pelvic girdle (SPD). I feel that my strength and patience is wearing out on me. Why can’t the heavens see I have done my best and deliver me a live baby. She is alive and kicking inside of me. Why is it not possible to hand over the responsibility of keeping her alive to the professionals, I can’t handle this responsibility anymore.

I really need a break; I have carried two babies back to back, suffered the loss of my son and managed a household when my husband was too sick to find the strength to get out of bed for weeks. I selfishly want my body back. Most of all I just want a healthy baby in my arms.


  1. not too much longer and you will be holding your beautiful sprout in your arms.!!!

    You are not selfish at all, please don't think that. You have been through so much over the last two years. really you have been pregnant for 18 months out of the last 24 months, that is enough to drive anyone around the bend!!!

    sending you lots of hugs!!!

  2. I cannot imagine what you are feeling. Continue being the strong, loving, wife/mother/woman you are!!

  3. Not too much to ask at all..... soon, my dear, soon!
