June 4, 2010

You are my Sunshine - the other half

The other night I overheard Dh quietly singing "You are my Sunshine" intermixed with sniffles and sighs while playing with Elodie.  My heart ached for him, for Harrison and for Elodie, it is so hard to know that your partner is quietly trying to remain strong.  I asked Dh if he had read my blog because I too find it hard to sing this song to her.  This simple question opened my eyes to how differently we can interpret situations. I presumed he was crying for the same reason that I do; that it is too hard to say "my only sunshine."  Dh is pretty closed lipped when it comes to his emotions but for a brief few minutes he opened up to me. He was tearing up because he is so in love with his daughter and wants her to know and understand just how much she is loved and how the songs helps him say it.

Maybe I should re-read the song lyrics and take a look at it from another angle the angle from the eyes and heart of a mother to a beautiful daughter.

I leave you with a picture, attempting to capture Elodie smiling.

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